New Tangle
As you may all know, I have three children. They are all excited about Zentangle, and some nights or extra hours on weekends, you can find all of us sitting at the table tangling, drawing, and/or coloring. I just love those times! (I just wish there were enough hours in the day to have more of them.) Anyway, my kids are always trying to come up with new tangles. (Most of the time, I have to tell them that their new creation, is in fact, already a tangle.) They are always coming up with ideas for new inventions too. (I'm just hoping that one day, it'll be something that will actually work and we can take it to Shark Tank (the TV series). ) It always amazes me how kid's brains work.
So that takes me to the reason for this post. My middle child woke up one morning, so excited, telling me he thinks he created a new tangle. So he explained it to me and then tried drawing it out. I got his idea, right away, but he had a few glitches. But together, we were able to figure it out and create step outs for it.
Since it is actually creating mazes, ones that people can actually try and figure out, we agreed that it should be called 'aMAZEn'. I hope you like it! (And if there is something like it out there already, please let me know.)
Actually, I forgot to mention, I don't really even know if it would be considered a true tangle. (I know there is a name for this kind of pattern, but I can't think of it.) Anywho, here it is!
As you can see, it works great as a space filler! Click on image to enlarge (This tangle is from a sister blog, Call it what you Quill and is from the same owner of The Art Zenter) |
I hope you give it a try! I worked in Helen Williams'
'Tumbleweed' with this Zentangle.
Have an aMAZEn, day everybody!!!
Go put
into this