Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Weekly Challenge #234
UMT: CanT by Chris Titus, CZT

   When I first looked at this week's challenge, I did think to myself,......"oh but I can'ttttttt." This being a short week, I felt like I was not going to have the patience to sit down and get into my zen, (sad, huh? )with the new tangle 'CanT'. But then when I really looked at it, I realized just how simple and fun it could be. Yet it could also be made into something very complex too. So of course, I played with it a little. Then I challenged myself in ways that this tangle could possibly be done. I tried all of the samples that Chris gave and then I tried some more. Pretty soon, I was in my Zen and just had to do my tiles for this week. That is what I love so much about Zentangle. It can take my fast pace life and turn it into a relaxed peaceful one!! Thank you Zentangle and thank you, Chris Titus for such a lovely tangle. I know I will be using this quite a lot.!!!

I decided to use CanT in a mono tangle, only because there are so many possibilities with it.

   I'm hoping to get to The Bright Owl's,  Zendala Dare ,with Erin this week! We'll see if I get all of the laundry done,...................LOL,.....Did those words just come out of my mouth??? LOL LOL LOL... I should know better than to say that!!! LOL
Thank you for all the lovely comments last week! I'm hoping to make my rounds to everyone's blogs! 

Have a blessed week and see you soon! (that's if all of the laundry is done) heehee  (((hugs))) Annette

Go put
into this



  1. Looks like you have the hang of CanT!! Love your post!

  2. I'm assuming the laundry is now all done, folded and put away. ;-) Even if it isn't, you did some great work getting into Can T. It can get kind of mesmerizing---in this case, that's a good thing. The laundry will still be there after your zentered. Nice job.

  3. Great Sketches, thanks for sharing your variations

  4. Beautiful monotangle! Hope the laudry is done ;-)

  5. I love your variations esp the aura'd diamond bit or spider web as I first thought of it

  6. Don't you love when you use a tangle you think you don't like and then fall in love with it? Your variations are so lovely! Thank you for posting all your work - we can learn from each other's process as well as a "finished product". Really nice!

  7. Sometimes I dismiss new tangles thinking I won't like them. I'm glad you gave this one a chance because you've done some really nice variations of this very versatile tangle. I'm thinking that we should all become more environmentally aware and do less laundry. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it LOL!

  8. Hallo Annette,
    i love your Can T and your shading is awesome
    see you soon ;)

  9. I love the little "spinner" on what looks like a twinchie - and the other variations too!

  10. Thanks so much for sharing this. I love all of the variations you've done. This is such a fun pattern.


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