Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Weekly Challenge #237
"Guest post- Charlotte Carpentier"

   Hello one and all! Happy Tuesday to you!!! I'm quite happy today! As I was looking at some pics that I took yesterday, I just couldn't help smiling, and thinking how wonderful God's creations are in this world! It's the little things that help our days and remind us to be grateful and thankful!!! Thank You, God for butterflies!!!

Can you see the butterfly in there? 

Now can you see him in flight? He was huge! I don't know what kind of butterfly he was but what a glorious sight! He flew around this Kumquat tree for a good 5 minutes. Just fluttering!!
Click to enlarge

   Well, I just had to share that with you, because my little ones and I were in such amazement, over his size and how long he stayed to flutter!
   On with the challenge! Yesterday was just one of those days. I felt inspired! Oh did I mention that I taught my first 'Official' class yesterday? Oh my, we had soooooo much fun, and my ladies were just fabulous!!  (Thank you ladies for breaking the ice for me.) I still don't have a venue, (mainly because I'm lacking the time in my schedule to teach consistently right now). But what a joy it was for me, to see these beautiful women put the Zentangle method into practice. And most of them had never heard of Zentangle and when I showed them what they would be creating, the response was, "Oh there is no way I'll be able to do that!" And of course they did!! It was AWESOME! I so enjoyed teaching, and can't wait to do more of it!!
There were actual moments of solitude and Zen!!!! Brought memories of my CZT class.

They all took notes in the sketch pads I supplied.

Don't they look like they've done this before?

My set up! I taught this one at home since it was small and I knew one of the girls.

Here is their display of finished tiles!! YAY!!!! I was supposed to write on the black boards but didn't get a chance to.

Okay,........ I'm sorry I got carried away! The class was fun and I would say a success. A couple of the women asked if I would do another class or even teach a Girl Scout Troop!! So exciting!!! I guess I could've saved all of this for a post all by itself, but I just wanted to share with fellow Diva tanglers.
For reals now,..... on with the challenge!
I used colors for fall. I am sooooooooo ready for a change of weather! We have had nothing but really hot temperatures here! YUK!

Here are the supplies I used for this. I just felt inspired to play with different mediums.
   I used Sizzix die cuts for my leaf stencils. For color, I first sprayed with alcohol dies. And believe it or not, I did not use any black ink on this at all. It just didn't happen. If fact this whole thing was not thought out, I just played with colors and design, as it went. It was so much fun playing. I don't know if I'm 100% happy with it, but it was fun!
   Thank you Charlotte, for giving us a new and different challenge! I enjoyed it! Please do check out Charlotte's blog, CharKat's Creative Insanity, for many exciting art projects, and inspirations.

   Welp, enjoy your week and we'll see you next week!! Last week was so much fun to see how creative everybody got with the Diva's challenge, "The Unexpected"! Everything was just amazing!! 

put some
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Thursday, September 24, 2015


Zendala Dare #110
with Erin

   At first when I saw this week's template, I thought, "Am I going to have enough time to do this one?" But, as I've said before, I love white spaces. So that is what I did with this one! As I would love to fill it up with some great tangles, I wanted to leave a little empty space in there. 
I liked this without color, but for some reason, I felt like I needed to color it!

Not sure I like it much, but it was fun to color. I used my Prismacolor pencils.
Feel free to click on images to enlarge.

   While I was working on my Zendala, my 5 year old saw the other printed templates that I had downloaded, and asked if she could fill it up with tangles. So here you have it!
I thought she did a pretty awesome job.

   It's so cute how my three lil' kids get so excited about my Zentangle journey! 
Please go to The Bright Owl and download your own template to tangle! And if you love Zentangle, go to the Diva's Weekly Challenge, for more fun and excitement.

go put
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Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Weekly Challenge #236
"Tangle the Unexpected"

   Oh, I had so much fun with this challenge! While on Instagram, (you can follow me HERE), I have seen some amazing artwork done on bananas. Mostly with Minions, cause they love bananas and they're yellow and soooooooo darn cute! Anyway, that was my inspiration for this challenge, and I had some perfectly ripened bananas on hand.
Here is my unexpected! I lightly drew my lettering and then created my string around it.
Remember to click on images to enlarge


Those lil' tomatoes you see are just some of the home grown goodness we have had this season! Yum!!!

This lil' (big) guy has been hanging out on my tomato plants along with two of his siblings!!!!!! As amazing as they look, they are so destructive. Kids want to keep them for pets :0/ Just look at the design on this guy. do you see some kind of tangle inspiration here?

   So there you have it! I tease my family that if they stand still long enough, I will tangle them!!! As Laura puts it, tangle the unexpected!!!! (Hmmmmmm, maybe I should try some tangling one of my family members) Try joining in on the fun! Visit Laura , to give your tangle a try!

   Thank you to all who visit and comment my blog!! Hope you all have an awesome week and a blessed day!! (((hugs))) Annette :0)

Go put
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Thursday, September 17, 2015


Weekly Challenge #235
"String Theory: Stripes"

   I love stripes!!! I don't know what it is, but they make me smile!! So thank you, Laura, for that easy smile, because the Lord knows that I needed it this week!! :0)  (I'm not going to get into my woes, now but,......) 
   "But I do have to say I 'JUST' also got some very GREAT news that makes all my troubles just seem so minute, itsy bitsy tiny!!!! My niece, Katie, has been told by her doctor that she is in remission and she doesn't have to go in every month, but now only every other month!!!! THAT IS NEWS FOR CELEBRATION!!!!  I love you Katie, and I know you're gonna whip this!!!

 These pictures are just a snip-it of what is happening to my world around me! Trees going down left and right and houses crumbling to nothing! "Life as I know it", is changing!!!! 


See that building over there on the other corner? 639,000 sq feet of building.
   So this is just a tiny, itty, bitty, bit of what has been going on in my world! (updates will be posted, as so called progress, in future posts)

Ooops! I guess I got carried away.,............... And for this week's Diva challenge,..........
Tangles used: 'Quickzly', 'X-Did', '120 Ribbons', ' Diva Dance,' 'Hollibaugh' and 'Cabana'
   May your weekend be filled with reasons to celebrate and SMILE!!!
Thank you for visiting and hope to see you next week!!! 

Go put
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Zendala Dare #109
with Erin 

   Erin, thank you so much for this fantastic template! As soon as I saw it I got pretty excited, because it looks like it is in motion. Which screams to me for more organic tangles. I don't know how you create these templates. I know you said this one was a stinker, but I really enjoyed it! Thank you for you talents and time! :0) 
Tangles used: 'Amazen', 'Angel Fish', and 'Rosewood'
   If you're a regular tangler and do the "Diva's Weekly Challenge", then join in on the fun for Erin's Weekly Zendala Dare at the Bright Owl (or visa versa). Please keep Erin and all people that live up in northern CA in prayers. The fires have been destructive up there. 

Many thanks for all the friendliness on my blog! Your words are greatly appreciated! (((hugs)))
Please check out my new addition to my blog! "Dans Friday" is a new page, where I will be sharing a monthly coloring page with my readers. Enjoy!! 

go put 
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Thursday, September 10, 2015


"Welcome to the First, "Dans Friday"
"Pleasingly Paisley"

Click on HERE , to receive your download to print and get started.

I'm hoping to create a link on The Art Zenter, Facebook page, for you to share your finished work. I will keep you posted about that on Facebook. You can also follow and get updates on The Art Zenter, Instagram, page. 

Add some

   Your free to use these for your own enjoyment! You are also free to use these pages for class purposes. I just ask that you please, do not use them to reproduce and sell. 


Zendala Dare # 108
with Erin

   Ok, so if you saw and read my last post,..............laundry is NOT done, but I just had to plaaaaay!!!!! :0) My Micron and Erin's Zendala Dare were calling to me from afar,.......so,....... I just had to answer!! 
  I had fun with this one, even though I'm not a big, super fan of the star shape, it was enjoyable. 
Oh, and no I did not make a mistake in the center, :0) I just love the look of the tangle, 'BronxCheer'
   The tangles I used were, 'BronxCheer', 'Phicops', 'Verdigough' and 'Watusee' (a new favorite)
Join in on the fun and go to The Bright Owl, and download her Zendala template. These Zendalas are really becoming addicting!!!! 
   Now, back to laundry!!! :0(   You know how sometimes a sock will get eaten up by the dryer,...? Well, why can't ALL of the laundry get eaten up by the dryer,.....than I'd have a great excuse not to do it!!!!! Anyway,........

Go put
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Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Weekly Challenge #234
UMT: CanT by Chris Titus, CZT

   When I first looked at this week's challenge, I did think to myself,......"oh but I can'ttttttt." This being a short week, I felt like I was not going to have the patience to sit down and get into my zen, (sad, huh? )with the new tangle 'CanT'. But then when I really looked at it, I realized just how simple and fun it could be. Yet it could also be made into something very complex too. So of course, I played with it a little. Then I challenged myself in ways that this tangle could possibly be done. I tried all of the samples that Chris gave and then I tried some more. Pretty soon, I was in my Zen and just had to do my tiles for this week. That is what I love so much about Zentangle. It can take my fast pace life and turn it into a relaxed peaceful one!! Thank you Zentangle and thank you, Chris Titus for such a lovely tangle. I know I will be using this quite a lot.!!!

I decided to use CanT in a mono tangle, only because there are so many possibilities with it.

   I'm hoping to get to The Bright Owl's,  Zendala Dare ,with Erin this week! We'll see if I get all of the laundry done,...................LOL,.....Did those words just come out of my mouth??? LOL LOL LOL... I should know better than to say that!!! LOL
Thank you for all the lovely comments last week! I'm hoping to make my rounds to everyone's blogs! 

Have a blessed week and see you soon! (that's if all of the laundry is done) heehee  (((hugs))) Annette

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